Zombie Staking
Rarity Staking is here!
This article will explain how to get your Zebras staked.
The staking page can be found at: https://zombiezebras.com/staking
Getting started
In order to stake for the first time you will need to follow this two step process.
- Approve the staking contract to move accept your tokens
- Deposit your tokens into the staking contract
Step 1: Approval
After clicking the Stake button you should be asked to approve your deposit into the staking contract. This will require a transaction and you will have to wait for the transaction to complete before you can deposit your tokens.
Step 2: Complete deposit
After the approve transaction has completed you will now see the button change to say Stake.
Select one or more tokens you wish to stake and then click the stake button.
After that transaction succeeds you will now see your Zebras in the staked Zebras section and you will begin to see your $WORMS balance update every couple of minutes.
Claiming $WORMS
Each time you claim $WORMS will require a transaction, which will cost gas. Don’t feel the need to be claiming all the time, your $WORMS will not disappear.